Host a "NO STRINGS ATTACHED" House Concert

I will bring my songs & stories to YOU !!

No door charge - No hassle - No strings attached

1 hour originals show (tips welcomed)  •••  •••  ENQUIRE HERE

If you are a HOST:

You provide the space and some friends - Can be as small or large as you like.
eg: your kitchen / porch / backyard / loungeroom / garage

You may like to provide a light afternoon tea or ask guests to bring a plate.

If you are a GUEST:

You will be invited and need to confirm with the host (as numbers are limited at a private address), turn up and enjoy music, afternoon tea & friends.

Afternoon tea may be provided or you may be asked to bring a plate.

•• tipping welcomed & CD's available - Singing along involved! ••


(Click pics to enlarge)